
    Beings of Light

    We are here to help your child show up for other humans with compassion



    We are here to offer nutrient dense, organic meats from farms committed to regenerative agriculture.


  • Join the Compassionate Movement!

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    Empathy and compassion as the path of the next generation

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    Teaching your children empathy and compassion is a powerful way to combat bullying, a heartbreaking epidemic in today's world. If your child has faced bullying, you understand the impact. While you may have felt helpless and heartbroken, you are not alone – you can be a catalyst for change now! By instilling compassion in your child, you can shape a better future for the next generation. Let's work together to create a world where bullying is not their reality. Instead of yearning for a past where children were kinder, let's actively contribute to nurturing a generation that is emotionally resilient and mentally stronger than ever before.


































  • Activities

    Check out our activities and schedule!


    Compassion Circle

    Compassion Circle

    Support groups offer a crucial means for children to openly express their emotions and experiences following exposure to bullying or challenging situations. Within these safe and understanding environments, children can share their feelings, fears, and struggles with peers who have faced similar adversity, fostering a sense of belonging and validation. Through group discussions, activities, and shared stories, children can gain perspective, insight, and coping strategies while receiving empathy and support from their peers. Being part of a support group empowers children to voice their emotions, process their experiences, and develop resilience in a supportive community that helps them rebuild confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of agency in overcoming the impact of bullying or difficult circumstances.
    Coming soon
    Compassion Theatre

    Compassion Theatre

    Involving children in theatre plays centered around compassion is a transformative way to nurture empathy within them. Through the immersive and collaborative nature of theatre, children step into different roles and perspectives, allowing them to empathize with diverse characters and their experiences. By embodying these roles, children develop a deep understanding of emotions, motivations, and struggles beyond their own, fostering a heightened sense of empathy and connection with others. Theatre provides a safe space for children to explore complex themes and engage in discussions about kindness, understanding, and compassion, enabling them to cultivate a genuine sense of empathy that extends beyond the stage into their everyday interactions and relationships.
    Coming soon
    Art Therapy

    Art Therapy

    Art therapy provides children with a powerful outlet to express themselves and cultivate compassion. Through creative expression, children can communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a non-verbal way, allowing them to explore and process complex feelings. Creating art enables children to tap into their imagination and connect with their inner selves, fostering self-awareness and empathy towards others. This process of visual storytelling not only helps children understand their own emotions but also encourages them to appreciate and empathize with the perspectives of others. By engaging in art therapy, children learn to express compassion through their artistic creations, promoting emotional growth and enhancing their ability to connect with the world around them.

    Coming soon
    Book Readings

    Book Readings

    Our board of certified children psychologists will choose a book that can help in teaching children compassion, empathy, and emotional resilience. Then, we will organize a session for a book reading, which will be followed by a discussion and reflection session.
    Coming soon
  • Our Board of Experts

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    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.